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Asheville Cesspool of Synths
Asheville Cesspool of Synths

Sun, Jul 04


Asheville, NC, USA

Asheville Cesspool of Synths

Registration is Closed
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The Basics

Jul 04, 2021, 4:00 PM

Asheville, NC, USA

What to Expect

We’re baaaaack!!!

After a three-year hiatus – the Asheville Cesspool of Synths is BACK!


… especially if you’re coming from out of town, or even if you’re local and don’t feel like driving home!

BYOCG (Camping Gear)

COS #6 will have a very special guest – Walter Wright -

Let me know if you want to play and I’ll add you to the list ….

OR just show up ready to jump in !!!


WHAT is Cesspool of Synths?

A gathering of synthesizing people.

Most commonly applied to people who play instruments that synthesize sound … however we like to broaden the idea of ‘synthesis’ – so bring anything you’d like to share that you are synthesizing!

WHY is it called “Cesspool of Synths”?

Inspired by ex NC Sate Senator James Forrester’s claim that Asheville is a ‘Cesspool of Sin’. (A title Asheville has proudly owned ever since)

Since AVL is the home of such great ‘Synthers’ as Make Noise, the Bob Moog Foundation and Moog manufacturers, ‘Cesspool of Synths’ seems an apt title.

HOW does it work?

Just show up. Bring a synth or something you are synthesizing.

You might want to:

a) Present a short performance (either solo or with a duo or group you play with)

b) Join an ensemble improv.

c) Show off your really wicked, impressive gear and let people fiddle with it.

d) Just listen and watch and maybe even fiddle.

e) Ignore everyone and hang out with the cat.

f) All or none of the above.

There’s no set schedule. Whoever is ready to play goes next.

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